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08 May 2024
EMODnet Marine litter data used to develop and test the first Marine Litter Assessment Tool

EUROqCHARM is an EU-funded H2020 project that lasted from 01 November 2020 – 31 October 2023. The project provided harmonised methodologies for the monitoring and assessment of marine plastics (macro-, micro- and nano-) in all environmental compartments: water, soil/sediment, air, and biota. Additionally, it released blueprints for standards of marine litter monitoring and data management and recommendations for policy and legislation.


27 Feb 2022
Glider Mission Planning with Historical Data

CSCS carries out glider missions all over the world. Gliders are small autonomous underwater vehicles that use changes in displacement to change buoyancy, and internal mass movements to attain pitch and roll movements. Coordinated by an on-board flight computer, this slow but very efficient profiling device collects data as it descends and ascends, sending the results and receiving commands every few hours when at the surface for many months at a time. 

Seabed Habitats   
12 Oct 2018
EMODnet supports environmental scoping for an electricity interconnector between France and UK

AQUIND Interconnector is a new subsea and underground High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electric power transmission link between the South Coast of England and Normandy in France. EMODnet Seabed Habitat’s broad-scale predictive habitat map for Europe, enabled AQUIND to conduct their Environmental Impact Assemssment scoping report in order to identify the main habitat types reported in the region that intersects the proposed cable route.

EMODnet Bathymetry & Physics data supporting Sea Situational Awareness for tourist navigation

SINDBAD+, is a project co-funded by the European Commission (POR FESR 2014-2020), that aims at providing a service that can predict weather conditions and analyse its consequences on the navigation depending on the characteristics of the boat such as length, width and depth. The service targets luxury and leisure boaters. The SINDBAD partners use EMODnet Physics and EMODnet Bathymetry to initiate and validate data forecast models.

EMODnet wind farm and hydrocarbon extraction datasets to support the development of wind farm projects

The EMODnet Human Activities portal has become a vital tool for C2Wind, a Danish company working in the wind industry. Wind farm and hydrocarbon extraction datasets are the most commonly explored datasets, identifying locations of already existing structures. Additional datasets on occasion are surveyed to provide the full extent of human activities. This crucial information is used in the preliminary phases of projects, determining areas of interest for the development of wind farm projects.
